Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Blogger's Goal.

I have decided blogging is difficult. 
If it's not time that pulls me away, it's fear of rejection.
If it's not having inspiration, it's discouragement.
If it's not having enough followers, it's not having the confidence to write.
It's a constant battle between fingers and keyboard.
It's the same thing with keeping a journal, it's difficult.

I feel like I pick up my blogging and I drop it. Constantly.
I may be the least consistant blogger.
But I have a dillema.
I love to blog.
I love to share my experiences,
my recipes,
my failures,
my pictures, 
my challenges,
my praises,
my favorites,
I love to share.
But when I share these things 
and feel that I don't have an audience to write to I stop.
I  become discouraged and I stop.
I get lazy.
I feel rejected...
and on and on and on.

So I have decided for this year's blogging,
I will write not for an audience but because I love to.
No more posting a link on my facebook.
No more sharing my blog with those I know.

If people find my blog and read through my day
then lucky them and lucky me.

Here is to a new start on my blog.
No need to start a new journey,
but I will continue this journey with a bicycle for two.
And if you didn't know, this bicycle for two made room for three. :)
(I will be introducing the third seat on the bike soon!)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Happenings #3

You know what I love about my blog?
NO- pressure.

I have absolutely NO-pressure to type a single word. Some days, I take my fingers to the keyboard and realize... this post, I don't want to share. And I just save the draft. Some days, I log on to my blogger account and check the date of my last post and think, "Hmmm, maybe I should post today...? Even a little something." And then I say, hmmmm.... NO-pressure. And then it's days like this... where I have a quiet morning off that I can sit and reflect about the last week. Oh, phenemonenal.

The Happenings #3:

I am currently cuddling: these two. My new puppy (14 weeks old!), Alani and my sweet husband Daniel. The name is EXACTLY not how you would read it. It's pronounced... Al-ugh-knee. Where did we get the name? Short story, it's a family name I love... and the name my parents always wished they would have had for my middle name! She is short and funny, has sharp teeth and claws, she is fierce (Tyra would be proud) and she has a HUGE personality. She is definitley both a little bit of Daniel and I. (Her fierceness comes from me.)

I am making a habit of: going to the gym! I bought my membership on the 16th have almost been everyday! I make time and I love making time. Even though "they say" you begin to see change in yourself at 4 weeks- I ALREADY SEE IT! I have so much more energy. I sleep better. I eat better. And the best thing is: I am competitive with myself and I LOVE IT! I will be going today too!

Trying to wake up on an early morning to work out!
I am drooling over: vegetables. (hahahahahhahaha) I know, weird. Who drools over veggies. But seriously, brussel sprouts, brocolli, green beans... ughhhh. Yum. EEOV and garlic. I cannot wait for the farmer's markets and produce stands! HURRY UP SPRING!

My favorite accessories to wear daily: my new Michael Kors handbag and clutch. If you didn't know I work at MK (coming on a year fairly quickly) and have yet to buy myself a bag! Daniel, spoiled me with a sweet gift after Christmas of my favorite bag- the Astor Satchel and I added a sweet little clutch to hold my cards, cash, phone and keys. I love it! Thanks baby!

I am struggling with: what comes out of my mouth. It has always been a problem, caused some conflict and it's time to really become disciplined in my "thinking before speaking."

I am watching: Heroes. Oh. MY. Goooodness. Daniel and I cannot get away from it! Addicting. :)

We want to: buy a newer car, move into a home that has a 2nd bedroom, and make more time on my weekends off to road trip and adventure.

I'm so exicted: to plan my trip to CA (still figuring out details) for Emma's 1st birthday and dedication. Ahhhhh. She is getting so old! :(

I am enjoying: reading daily in the "Jesus Calling" mini devotion and being in the Word... rocking to the Gungor Pandora station in my car commuting to work, and as of 10 minutes ago... cuddling with my puppy as she sleeps on me.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Rager and Changer.

Last night, it finally happened for me. It's been a moment I have been anxiously awaiting and needing.
I had NO idea where to start in order to get to there but I found out where to start.
This post obviously needs a bit more detail. 

It began with frustrations with life in our home.
Frustrations that could have been handled normally, BUT wasn't.
(It's nothing life threatening, or devastating... but in a marriage, difficult. Details are not necessary.)
It turned me into a rager. Angry. Frustrations were irritations and annoyances.
These irritations and annoyances turned into constant complaints.
These constant complaints turned me into a person of independence.
And independence in a marriage does two things: hinders a union with your spouse and your Lord.
Ya, that's where I was.

A few weeks ago, my sweet friend 3,000+ miles away from me, lent me an ear as I tried to just casually talk about life at home. Being "independent and prideful" I tried to keep it very surface. I didn't want her to ask questions. I didn't want her to care. I also didn't want anyone to know of our flaws as a couple. (Why? I have no idea. Every marriage has their seasons of difficulties.)

But finally, after sometime I just started to be vulnerable. I told her my "secrets" at home (which again, please don't freak out... it's just clashing in a home). With sympathy and sisterhood, she says, "It's no fair I can't be with you to give you a hug... I am sorry I live so far away." (This is definitely a paraphrase, but it was a long those lines). As I am sobbing on the phone full of frustrating feelings and anger, she leaves me saying she is ALWAYS praying for me... and in the moment, I know that was what I needed to hear. But I wanted something to heal now. Change now. I want the next thing to be what it should be and how it should go. I want it now. After a few hours of a quiet home, time, and space... reading some workbooks my husband and I worked on as fiances, I realized it. It finally clicked. One reason why our union was hindered was because I was holding back forgiving him and holding on to frustrations. And when my union with my husband is hindered because of my sin, so is my union with my Lord. 

After that realization, I thought this will change EVERYTHING. So, I continued my routine of being in the Word as much as I could remember daily. And a book that I had been waiting for months to read finally came into the library, "One Thousand Gifts." (I will be doing a book review... so look out for it.) I began reading it.... and continued to invest more and more time into it. The next thing I knew, I was in love with the book. Highly encouraged by the book. And I thought, this will change EVERYTHING.

Then, my freaking out began. Again. Anxious. Stressed. Tired. Insecure. Upset. Frustrated, I freaked out. Things were not going MY way, the way I thought things should go. The independence never left. The control just dug deeper within me. My husband, who gently handles these freak outs, just loved on me... with soft words and voice. He listened... as I am freaking out. Blaming him for everything, things that couldn't be changed now but I wanted them too. Every little thing that wasn't done in my timing and my way, frustrated me. One night all I remember him saying is, "It won't just change now, when you want. It just won't. It takes time." After that, is a blur of tears and bottled up anger.

With feelings of embarrassment for my behavior and angry heart, I felt stuck and didn't know where to start. Because I was reading that "One Thousand Gifts" which is about thankfulness, I thought... maybe it will start with gratitude. After a few attempts within a couple days... nothing changed. My final thought was, I can't change. After a frustrating situation last night, Daniel just came up and hugged me... kissed me and told me over and over and over and over again "I love you." I looked at him and said, "Why can't things just work out for me? Why can't it just go the way I want it to." This was after yet another freak out on the phone and my embarrassment and desire to change.

We made it to church last night and was blessed with fellowship with friends. So good. So needed. I was tired but glad we made it for the social. We were blessed with an amazing worship set by The New Divide, a band who is traveling all over the world to serve the Lord and play. The night ended with the Lord totally using their set as a way to reveal a the dirt and filth in my heart. With tears of guilt and frustration with myself I sang: 

Your love is extravagant

Your friendship, it is intimate
I feel like moving to the rhythm of Your grace 
Your fragrance is intoxicating in our secret place
Your love is extravagant

Spread wide in the arms of Christ is the love that covers sin
No greater love have I ever known You considered me a friend

Capture my heart again

The thoughts of thankfulness for unfailing love flood my mind. Reminding me that His love covers all. His never ending love will capture my heart. And that this is will be the safest, most committed friendship I will ever have. He wants to know my flaws. Then the words quietly fell from my lips as tears roll down my cheek:

All this pain
I wonder if I’ll ever find my way

I wonder if my life could really change at all
All this earth
Could all that is lost ever be found
Could a garden come up from this ground at all

All around

I am thinking, I have tried GOD. What else can I do but fight the desire? What else GOD? I can't change. I continued singing: 

Hope is springing up from this old ground

Out of chaos life is being found in You
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of the dust
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of us

The reminder of hope out of my chaos, beauty out of the dirt in my life, growth will come. Change will appear. Yes, I can change.

The Lord has promised good to me.
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.

And how can my night not end any sweeter. Words of encouragement and love from my Savior sang in front of me and out of my mouth hand in hand with my husband. Both unions squashing any kind of hindrance .. and just in awe of His timing, His tools, and His love for me.

Change comes through Him. I think the struggle is always how to rely on Him... but like I said earlier  "I had NO idea where to start in order to get there but I found out where to start." And it's in Him. 

Here is to another season in life, beginning with in Him and ending in relying on Him.

Happy writing my friends!